I had to step away

Today, I simply had to step away from my work, and it was the best decision I could have made for my mental health. I was so focused and determined to find a solution to an issue, and like I often tend to do, I spent way too much time on it, so much so that it threatened to entirely consume my day…and it’s not even something that needs to be solved right now! I have about 3 weeks. So finally, I forced myself to close my computer, and I went to swim. The sight of a pool like this makes me so happy! I LOVE to swim! I felt so much better right away, and I swam 200 more yards than I did a few days ago. And when I returned to my computer, I closed every single one of the browser tabs I had open for that particular project and refused to revisit it. And I was actually much more productive by shifting my focus and tending to the other items on my list.

Sometimes, you have to do that.

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