It’s a little hard to read, so you can click to enlarge it, or read what it says below:
Dear Mrs. Mitchell, Since it is teacher appreciation day I chose you to write a letter to because you are my favorite teacher. I really appreciate you because you are very nice and fun and you are a great teacher. If a 1st grade teacher isn’t enough you became the web master. You can do so many great things and I think you should be appreciated. From, [name]
It’s been hanging on my cork board in my office since April, and I’m making room now for all of the projects for the upcoming school year, but I couldn’t totally discard this. It meant so much not only because of the content, but because it has definitely been a huge leap going from a faculty member to a staff member. For instance, as a staff member, you really aren’t remembered during the holidays, and of course, you don’t get the same vacation that teachers get. Nevertheless, I still love what I’m doing. Anyway, this is one of the things I definitely want to hang on to, along with the ones from this post. The last picture in this post, by the way, is from the same student who wrote this letter.