“I didn’t realize you’re a designer.”
Someone recently said this to me after seeing some of my work, and I was flattered because I have a lot of respect for her work in this industry. She is also not a colleague I currently work with on a daily basis, but it took her less than five minutes to recognize my design skills, which spoke volumes to me. But besides the design aspect of my job, part of what I do is gather and verify facts to accurately convey information (another example of where my Mass Communications minor plays a role).
The signature fundraising event at my job is Spotlight on Art, and this year, I was asked to push out some of the top auction items through social media. I was given photos and images, which I “spruced up” by simply adding the Spotlight on Art logo, or a little more as seen in the image below. I really like the way it turned out, but believe it or not, finally getting it to the point where it was ready to post took nearly an hour!The blurb I was sent mentioned the opportunity to dance prior to the show to music by a particular DJ, along with instructions for contacting a receptionist at a specific organization. As I started researching to verify the correct spelling of the DJ/s name, I discovered that not only is he no longer a regular part of the show, but also that the organization listed as the contact doesn’t even exist. So needless to say, what I ended up posting varied quite a bit from what was originally submitted! Yikes!
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