Take up space, Baby Boy!
These crazy times have been such a blessing in so many ways, and believe it or not, Zoom has helped me teach one of the biggest lessons I’ve wanted to drive home for my 4-year-old for quite some time.
Davis is typically very fun, energetic, loud, and super funny. He has a HUGE personality, but within the past year or so, I started noticing his extreme reluctance in “venturing out.” Birthday parties were the worst. He would immediately clam up when we arrived, and I would instantly regret even going, because he spent the majority of the time clinging to me.
I also started noticing it at school. One day in particular, I arrived to pick him up during afternoon circle time. His teacher was asking questions that I knew he knew the answers to, but he was so quiet, like he had absolutely no confidence. We talked in the car and when we got home about how I want him to be confident and brave, but our conversations didn’t seem to be effective.
Enter COVID-19 and Zoom: There have been a few epic meltdowns surrounding the concept of not being heard amidst the “noise,” and we were recently presented with the perfect teachable moment. He was on his weekly call with his cousins, and his cousin/Godmother, who leads the calls, didn’t hear his response to a question and didn’t realize that Davis missed his turn. He started to melt down, but I gave him the words. And it was awesome.
He repeatedly raised his hand and got louder each time: “Nia, I didn’t get a turn!” He had to say it more than once, but he ended that call with the realization that he has the power to make himself heard, seen, known, to TAKE UP SPACE!