Going Home

I have to admit that I’ve never been one to take pictures or video footage at funerals. I don’t handle death very well at all, and for me, personally, I don’t want memories from a day like that. But on Saturday (October 31), I attended the funeral of my great grandmother. At the end of the service, it would have been almost impossible to count the number of cell phones, cameras, and video cameras that emerged from purses and pockets all around that church. I had never seen this, and it was just absolutely…cool.

It’s a little hard to tell what’s going on in the video once the gentlemen reach the front of the sanctuary, but I loved the way they saluted Pe-Poppy at the end (around 2:55). He’s my grandfather, for people who don’t know. He was the officiator of his mother’s funeral. That takes strength, my friends.

After the funeral, she was taken to the cemetery by horse and carriage, where a dove was released by her daughter, my great aunt.

Another tid bit of information:
When told of the plans for the horse and carriage, someone asked my mother, “What did she do?” Well, what many people don’t realize is that she was the wife of my great grandfather, the late Dr. C.J. Johnson (1913 – 1990). You’ll have no problem finding his music by Googling him or searching on YouTube, but finding more information about him and his life is a little more difficult.
Another link I found with a “mini bio”

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