Kudos, Caribou

I couldn’t decide whether or not I actually wanted to share this and risk embarrassing myself even more. But Caribou deserves its kudos, and since I already made everyone’s day there, why not share the entertainment?


I saw this on Facebook on Monday while sitting in the doctor’s office, and I made a mental note that I needed to try it. So I stopped there while I was out today (please note that it’s April 3), and the only thought that occurred to me was that this particular location may or may not have it yet, since it’s so new.

Imagine my surprise when I learned that it was a joke for April Fools’ Day. I haven’t been on Facebook much the last few days, so I missed their post revealing that it was a joke.

They were really good! Their first brilliant move was the decision to post it the day before; it catches people off guard. Then, they “authenticated” it by including a link to an infographic (below). I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Well played, Caribou. Well played.


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