
Favorite Dinner Helpers for Moms

Of course, my all-time favorite dinner helper is Davis! But I discovered this awesome company, Farmers & Fishermen Purveyors at the beginning of the pandemic, while watching a local news story here in Atlanta. They used to supply food for restaurants, but they quickly pivoted and started doing home deliveries when everything shut down. So…

How mindless action can alleviate anxiety

This puppy isn’t ours, but isn’t she adorable? ⠀ One of my best friends and her family adopted her earlier this summer, but I want to share how this photo helped alleviate my anxiety and overwhelm a couple of weeks ago...aside from the fact that it’s a cute puppy pic. ⠀ My friend sent me…

Achieving Adaptability

I was proud of myself yesterday. It was a day that I wish Davis could have been with me to witness my level of adaptability. In short, I went for a mammogram and didn’t get a mammogram. I had a scheduled routine mammogram that I was already a little nervous about, and because of what…

Organization can actually help with discipline!

This is my Friday morning. Awesome, right? Well, we had bad storms here in Atlanta last night, and we lost power a few minutes before we went to bed. It came back on at 2:30 AM, which meant that EVERY. SINGLE. LIGHT came on in our house! ??‍♀️ Then, true to form for 2020, it…


N O   G U I L T! Davis and I spent about 11 hours at our neighborhood pool this past weekend—5 1/2 hours each day on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday morning, I was able to get in a workout before he was ready to join me, and it was WONDERFUL! I had the entire…

When you don’t want to get ‘being a mom’ wrong

“I don’t want to get ‘being mayor’ wrong, but I really don’t want to get ‘being a mom’ wrong.” - Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (Atlanta) I heard Mayor Bottoms say this at a summit I attended last November, and it spoke directly to my SOUL! I was sitting next to a co-worker and fellow mom,…

What really matters in this moment

This afternoon was fun, but I’m also going to be real: It was a little tough. Even though it's Sunday, Lebrean and I both had work to do, which left Davis demanding our attention for much of the day. Insert "mom guilt," right? Well, not quite. I really try not to use the term "mom…

Being grateful for Monday

I gotta be real: I’ve been dreading today (Monday) for about a week. ⠀ Technically, I’ve had a break from my full-time job (Marketing & Media for a PK-8 school) since the end of May, but it hasn’t felt like it. And now here we are jumping right back in—a full day of calls and…

Being a mom is hard!

When the diner in the episode of ABC's "What Would You Do?" said, "Being a mom is hard," I'm willing to bet that any and every mom who was watching yelled, "Amen" at the television screen. The whole segment about Postpartum Depression/Anxiety was so touching. It’s interesting: 5 years into motherhood, I still find myself…

Love has no color

Davis insisted on going a different route on our walk, so we did, and we saw this in a neighbor’s yard. I love it! ??? I love that it says “Love HAS no color” and not “Love SEES no color.” While the notion of being “color blind” sounds nice and that’s what many of us…
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